
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"...but don't YOU go anywhere"

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Okay, so I might have just turned this into some kind of comic page. Right.
But what makes Calvin & Hobbes the greatest ever is its ability to make you laugh your ass off, and identify with it.

What makes it one of the great treasures of our culture is its ability to invoke emotions that you never thought you'd spend on a comic strip.

This one's positively touching.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh. Well.

We have the propensity to believe. Or belie.

I believe that humans tend to appreciate things better in little quantity. Or when it doesn’t exist at the moment when we want it so badly. Kinda like getting half a scoop of ice cream now at this ungodly hour, perhaps I’d be more than happy.

Alright, so getting half a scoop won’t suffice. I just belied myself.

Then again, I believe in the goodness of Life- of random kindness. And of things. I believe in whatever you choose to believe in. I believe in your decisions and dreams. Yes, I might believe in just about anything- because I’m a damned believer in all sorts of goodness. And it feels so right and natural.

For some reason, I know the fact that by just believing isn’t enough. Eventually there’ll be a moment when your belief is put to test- whether or not what you believe is real or just what it is that you really believe in after all. But all I know is that whatever happened to you in the past is not happening now. You will be safe behind your honest decisions and mood swings, I promise.

…meanwhile, from another dimension- I sense that Love has begun to remove the clothing of Life and granted you its naked perspective. The beauty of the naked difference is gloriously vast. Be inspiring or get inspired. Love looks good on you ;-)

Happy Friday, all of yous.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


why does karma keep biting me in the ass? even when i've well served my term of it. its like yhid dude i saw sitting in a wheel chair in the city. the brand of the wheelchair was 'karma'. what did he do in a former life, push sum1 off a bridge or sumthing? gosh karma. give it break!!!!