Barusan nonton metro tv kalo ada bencana gempa dan tsunami di jepang. Trs adalah salah satu orang bego komen, azab tuh. Sama kayak waktu tsunami aceh. Aceh kena azab dari Tuhan. Yang slalu jadi pertanyaan dibenak gw, kenapa setiap ada bencana, orang-orang selalu dengan seenak jidatnya komentar kalo itu azab dari Tuhan untuk negara atau daerah yang kena musibah tersebut. Sekarang gw tanya, yang lebih sering kena bencana alam tuh negara ini atau amerika sana ya? Cuma pengen tau mana yang lebih di AZAB. Nah kl bencana alam itu azab, gampang banget dong nyari siapa yang paling dimurka Allah. Atau azab itu hanya berlaku untuk orang lain, kalo kita yang kena bencana namanya cobaan? Tuhan mengingatkan dengan membunuh? Bencana itu azab atau cobaan berarti tergantung status kita korban atau bukan kali yaa..
Masuk ke logika, Tuhan mengingatkan manusia lewat bencana, kira-kira Tuhan perlu berapa korban nyawa untuk itu?? Agak aneh kalo Tuhan ga boleh dipertanyakan kebijakannya, atau emang kita suka sama sesuatu yang otoriter? Lebih asyik kalo Tuhan ngomong langsung deh, bilang "hei manusia kalian salah lho" dari pada kasih bencana yang bikin nyawa melayang. Kalo ga kayak ada di kitab suci gitu ya, jadi ga perlu ngomong lagi. Kayak UU. UU juga ditulis, tp pemerintah tetep wajib mensosialisasikan. Terus kalo UUny Tuhan, yang mensosialisasikan aturannya tetap perlu manusia? Tuh siapa bilang Tuhan ga perlu manusia.
Nahh ada yang bilang manusia itu freewill, kalo begitu ga ada alesan menghakimi sesama manusia bila keyakinannya berbeda kan? Dengan konsep manusia itu pny freewill, bisa ga kita serahkan soal pengkafiran ini ke yang berhak aja, TUHAN. nb: kalo ada sih
Kecuali konsep freewill manusia itu ga dikenal di ajaran agama, maka menghalangi keyakinan orang lain itu menistai ajaran agamanya sendiri. Keyakinan gw skarang adalah gw laper, kl ada yg menghalangi niat gw beribadah lewat makan siang, kalian menghalangi freewill manusia!!
..Manusia SEHARUSNYA beragama namun tidak HARUS beragama..
Friday, March 11, 2011
It's been an annoying day week.
...but Life gets better nearing the final hour :-)
so all's well that ends well~
oh btw, here's to pain- I'll never like you.
...but Life gets better nearing the final hour :-)
so all's well that ends well~
oh btw, here's to pain- I'll never like you.
If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
Well, I guess I'll make my own way
It's a circle, a mean cycle
I can't excite you anymore
Where's your gavel? Your jury?
What's my offense this time?
You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me
Well, sentence me to another life
Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
'Cause you know we're not the same
No, we're not the same, oh, we're not the same
We're the friends who stuck together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good
It's good
Well, you treat me just like another stranger
Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out
Ignorance is your new best friend
This is the best thing that could've happened
Any longer and I wouldn't have made it
It's not a war, no, it's not a rapture
I'm just a person but you can't take it
The same tricks that, that once fooled me
They won't get you anywhere
I'm not the same kid from your memory
Well, now I can fend for myself
Well, I guess I'll make my own way
It's a circle, a mean cycle
I can't excite you anymore
Where's your gavel? Your jury?
What's my offense this time?
You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me
Well, sentence me to another life
Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
'Cause you know we're not the same
No, we're not the same, oh, we're not the same
We're the friends who stuck together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good
It's good
Well, you treat me just like another stranger
Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out
Ignorance is your new best friend
This is the best thing that could've happened
Any longer and I wouldn't have made it
It's not a war, no, it's not a rapture
I'm just a person but you can't take it
The same tricks that, that once fooled me
They won't get you anywhere
I'm not the same kid from your memory
Well, now I can fend for myself
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