
Friday, October 28, 2011

"Think BIG! Riches! Power! Pretend you could have ANYthing!"

This strip has become a personal philosophy for me the as of late. I guess the idea of being happy is very simple, though many of us think as one grows up, happiness is very earthly. Why, it doesn't last! Well yeah, even if that is the case, I don't think one should worry about how long will it last or whether one will ever have the chance to be happy again at all. I have to say, though, that whatever happiness we might have in the past, may not be the same as of today. So what about time and all that stuff? That's not our job to think about it. What really matters only lies in the present, where each day is created anew or otherwise becomes a revival of joy of something created in the past. Either way it spells happiness. So do whatever you feel like doing now. Go grab an ice cream. let it melt for a while; see if you can stay smart. Or be a doofus. Like me. Let's ALL strive to be happy.

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

dear you,,

I wanna be the picture on your wall. I want to chase you around until we fall. I want to be the one you write about. I want to be the one who never lets you down.
I can make you laugh until you cry. I can tell your mood just by your eyes. I can sleep with you head on my cheek. And I could be the one you never want to leave.

We'll both fall, we'll lose it all. we'll have each other and we won't make the same mistake. cause we have had it together and we're both smarter than before. we have been through the world and we know that there is more when you find the one that you're looking for.
I don't care if this "meant to be together" quote sounds cliche but I think those words describe what we are now, but can we just move slowly and not taking one step forward? I'm sure we're not afraid, we knew each other and used to be best friend before. we won't change a thing. it just because we know that we both have had so many memories in our own past before. and we know that we had learn so much things so we won't make each other feel bad without any higher status. and we don't want to turn any little things into a mistake. we don't want to be in a trouble or even a fight. so we just keep our step in this path, just maybe for a moment. let's just wait and keep the happiness remains in their tracks. "go with the flow."


Thursday, August 25, 2011


Kami bukan geng motor keren yang setiap anggotanya punya motor gede atau biasa disebut moge.
Kami bukan geng anak gaul yang setiap malam minggu kumpul di Pondok indah mall, memakai jaket kembaran dengan nomor 01 sebagai ketuanya lalu makan makan di... kansup.
Kami bukan geng gossip girl yang setiap saat setiap waktu kerjaannya cuma ngomentarin dan ngegosipin orang lain.
Kami bukan geng scientist yang kemanapun memakai jas laboratorium dan ngobrol pake bahasa ilmiah.
Kami bukan geng cupu yang orang orang pun enggak pernah nyadar kalo geng ini ada.
Kami bukan geng yang terbentuk karena kami terdapat di dalam satu band atau satu tempat sanggar nari.
Kami bukan geng anak anak nakal yang kerjaannya bolos sekolah, clubbing, pulang pagi & tawuran.
Kami bukan geng yang terbentuk karena kami fans fanatik Justin Bieber ataupun Super Junior.
Kami bukan geng #foreveralone yang setiap malam meng-galau bersama sama, membicarakan kapan setiap individu dari kami bertujuh mendapatkan pasangan hidupnya.

Ya kami bertujuh. terdiri dari 6 perempuan dan 1 perempuan. eh maksud gue, 1 laki-laki. kami ga solid. kami saling cuek. kami pernah berantem. kami ketawa disaat salah satu dari kami sedih. tapi cuma itu, emang cuma itu yang orang lain bisa liat tentang kami dari luar.
Pertemanan bukan dinilai dari seberapa lama kami sudah saling mengenal, tapi bagaimana kami ada di suatu malam salah seorang dari kami yang terbangun karena mimpi buruk. dan bagaimana kami mewujudkan sebuah senyuman di salah seorang dari kami disaat ia sedang menangis. dan bagaimana kami merangkul salah seorang dari kami disaat tidak ada yang menyadari bahwa ia butuh pertolongan.
Pertemanan dinilai dari bagaimana kehadiran kami dan dunia kami yang selalu tertawa di atas tertawaan orang lain.

lagi pula, tunggu, siapa yang bilang kami adalah sebuah GENG? bukan. kami bukan geng. kami memang bertujuh, tetapi kami masih sangat menerima setiap individu yang ingin bergabung tanpa ada sifat yang menyusahkan kehadirannya.

Dear my the-most-fabulous friends in the entire world. thanks a bunch for all-the-awesome-times. I love being around you, GAR GIT CIK TAL MA BA. :}♥

Friday, June 24, 2011

Some words. Finally.

I suppose I haven’t written anything much as of late. If you think that life just gets busy or that I just can’t write anymore or perhaps I’m just being downright lazy…yep, you are right about all of them. I’m all it.

It could be that I’ve been subconsciously detaching myself away from the palpable madness for a while. No, not that I’ve become a man of God or something, (even that is not a bad idea), but frankly speaking, I’m just putting myself in a comfort solitude for the past few weeks. I wasn’t becoming a recluse either, in fact, I got myself involved in a few life's events and even took committment in some of them. And sure, it felt kinda nice. Still does.

Anyways, if you feel that life needs you to move on but what you need right now is a 3-minutes break, by all means, have it. Eat a banana. Listen to a song that suits your moodswing. Or just stare at the sky for one full minute and take a deep breath. Right now I’m just listening to the song below because I feel kinda mellow. And that I miss home. Yes, it sure gives me the best homesick feeling I ever get that I just wanna go home and be with everyone else :-/

Then again, if anything befalls you today- just take it easy... but still take it.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

dear RLN

"I can't promise you a perfect relationship without arguments over our differences and trust issues, however, I can promise you as long as you're trying, I'm staying." ♥ :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Goodbye forever Cikungs :(

09.46 p.m hp gw tiba-tiba bunyi sms masuk. Saat itu gw ngerasa biasa aja. Biasa aja kayak biasanya dapet sms dari orang yang biasa-biasa aja. Gw liat di layar hp, muncul nama Yessi Rachma Septiani. Adeknya nanu. Saat itu perasaan gw masih tetep biasa-biasa aja. Sampe akhirnya gw baca isi smsnya. mendadak suasana hati gw ga bisa biasa-biasa aja. Sedih, kaget, shocked, semua campur aduk. tp tetep pasang tampang yang biasa-biasa aja.

iyaa.. Cikungs ulala. My very handsome pet was die. Tapi untungnya dy mati ga dikamar gw. Ga kebayang pernah ada sejarah kematian dikamar gw. Even its happen for an animal. Jadi, udah hampir 3minggu yang lalu, cikungs diungsikan kerumah nanu. Karna kesibukan gw, dan malasnya gw, si cikung jarang dikasih makan, dan dibersihkan kolamnya selama dalam peliharaan gw. Jadilah nanu setiap hari kerjanya ngomel-ngomel melulu, nyuruh ngasih makan si cikungs. Sampe pada akhirnya, dy capek ngomel-ngomel, dan meminta hak asuh atas cikungs dari gw. gw si seneng-seneng aja. Soalnya dipikir2 kesian juga si cikung kalo tetep gw asuh. jarang makan. sampe kurus.

Dipikir-pikir, jahat bgt yaa gw. waktu jaman-jamannya gw galau, si cikung yang nemenin gw tiap malem. dengerin curhatan gw yang kayak orang gila ngajak ngobrol ikan cupang malem-malem sambil sedih-sedihan. Cikung ga pernah ngeluh tiap gw curhat-curhat ga penting tentang kegalauan gw. Cikungs juga yang jadi laki-laki dalam hidup gw, waktu gw kemaren berantem sama nanu. Kayak yang pernah gw tulis sebelumnya, menurut pakar ikan christian agus, cikungs itu laki-laki. Saat itu juga gw memplokamirkan kalo cikungs sementara jd laki-laki yang ada dalam hidup gw.

Bak pacar yang kalo udh bosen dicuekin, dan kalo udh ada laki-laki lain diputusin. begitu juga nasib cikungs. Waktu gw akhirnya baikan dan gak berantem lagi sama nanu, cikungs pun akhirnya gw lupakan. jarang gw bersihkan, dan gw kasih makan. Palingan cuma nanu yang rajin ngasih makan sama bersihin kolamnya.

maaf yaa cikungs...

As life goes on I’m starting to learn more and more about responsibility
I realize everything I do is affecting the people around me
So I want to take this time out and apologize for things I have done
And things that have not occurred yet
And the things they don’t want to take responsibility for

I’m sorry for the times I left you home
I was on the road and you were alone
I’m sorry for the times that I had to go
I’m sorry for the fact that I did not know
That you were swimming home just wishing we
Could go back to when it was just you and me
I’m sorry for the times I would neglect
I’m sorry for the times I disrespect

I’m sorry for the wrong things that I’ve done
I’m sorry I’m not always there for you cikungs
I’m sorry for the fact that I am not aware
That you can’t sleep at night when I am not there
Because I am in the streets like everyday
Sorry for the things that I did not say
Like how you are the best thing in my world
And how I am so proud to call you my pet and also my boy

I understand that there’s some problems
And I’m not too blind to look
All the pain you kept inside you
Even though you might not show

If I can't apologize for being wrong
Then it’s just a shame on me
I’d be the reason for your pain
And you could put the blame on me

I’m sorry that it took so long to see
But they were dead wrong, trying to put it on me
I’m sorry that it took so long to speak
But I was on tour with Rizky Lestari

Even though the blame’s on you
I’ll take that blame from you

And you could put that blame on me


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

PARAMORE concert will be held in INDONESIA!!!

YES!! It will be in Bali then Jekardah!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I need a reason to reason.

There’ll be moments when you don’t feel like writing anything even when you think you will or just have that sort of motivation. So I was inspired by many things and people recently. And proudly have written nothing about them as of yet. Procrastination is the word. I’ve been putting off writing to the public because my sentences as of late have been scatterbrained and incomplete.

Anyways, I don’t think it’s a bad thing when you don’t feel awesome. Awesomeness may not be something you feel everyday, but that’s fine. The existence of other feelings is perhaps, just to make you miss the old feeling of being awesome. That it is something special and not just any other feeling that you can get now and then. Rather, it needs to be lived and cherished as much as possible when it is felt. Otherwise, you’ll still experience something else. Something different or equally awesome. So it’s not at all bad, really :-)

Now a random but rather obvious question yet questionable…do you think that everything happens for a reason?

One thing for example- I love medicine yet I don’t know why exactly I’m loving it. although I don't have much knowledge about it

I guess the desire to do it gets stronger each day but the reason just wears away. Maybe I just want to go home someday, thinking that I have done something right…that I have actually saved somebody’s life. Hmm. No superficial nor profound motive. Just that.

As much as I believe in logic and all that statistics, I still hold on to intuition and its 'practicality'. I believe in God’s mysterious way of making things happen and call it hope. And I do believe there’s reason to everything… some are just known to us, some are understood at last. Some are fathomable, and some are just plain complex. But most of the time, it is right before us, we just need some time to think it through. So there is such thing as the “right” moment to realize it. Understanding isn’t something you can get by observing the outcome, but by living the outcome. It is not something you can work out easily only to find out if there’s any meaning to it, but perhaps, time is the only thing that’ll make it meaningful. And that it is not simply a wish, but rather a gift to those who deserve it.

Oh maybe I’ll go see fireworks, someday… and that’s because I just want to see them.

... or prolly get in touch with an old friend, like a scoop of ice cream. Well, I need no reason for that.

Rock it.


Friday, March 11, 2011


Barusan nonton metro tv kalo ada bencana gempa dan tsunami di jepang. Trs adalah salah satu orang bego komen, azab tuh. Sama kayak waktu tsunami aceh. Aceh kena azab dari Tuhan. Yang slalu jadi pertanyaan dibenak gw, kenapa setiap ada bencana, orang-orang selalu dengan seenak jidatnya komentar kalo itu azab dari Tuhan untuk negara atau daerah yang kena musibah tersebut. Sekarang gw tanya, yang lebih sering kena bencana alam tuh negara ini atau amerika sana ya? Cuma pengen tau mana yang lebih di AZAB. Nah kl bencana alam itu azab, gampang banget dong nyari siapa yang paling dimurka Allah. Atau azab itu hanya berlaku untuk orang lain, kalo kita yang kena bencana namanya cobaan? Tuhan mengingatkan dengan membunuh? Bencana itu azab atau cobaan berarti tergantung status kita korban atau bukan kali yaa..

Masuk ke logika, Tuhan mengingatkan manusia lewat bencana, kira-kira Tuhan perlu berapa korban nyawa untuk itu?? Agak aneh kalo Tuhan ga boleh dipertanyakan kebijakannya, atau emang kita suka sama sesuatu yang otoriter? Lebih asyik kalo Tuhan ngomong langsung deh, bilang "hei manusia kalian salah lho" dari pada kasih bencana yang bikin nyawa melayang. Kalo ga kayak ada di kitab suci gitu ya, jadi ga perlu ngomong lagi. Kayak UU. UU juga ditulis, tp pemerintah tetep wajib mensosialisasikan. Terus kalo UUny Tuhan, yang mensosialisasikan aturannya tetap perlu manusia? Tuh siapa bilang Tuhan ga perlu manusia.

Nahh ada yang bilang manusia itu freewill, kalo begitu ga ada alesan menghakimi sesama manusia bila keyakinannya berbeda kan? Dengan konsep manusia itu pny freewill, bisa ga kita serahkan soal pengkafiran ini ke yang berhak aja, TUHAN. nb: kalo ada sih

Kecuali konsep freewill manusia itu ga dikenal di ajaran agama, maka menghalangi keyakinan orang lain itu menistai ajaran agamanya sendiri. Keyakinan gw skarang adalah gw laper, kl ada yg menghalangi niat gw beribadah lewat makan siang, kalian menghalangi freewill manusia!!

..Manusia SEHARUSNYA beragama namun tidak HARUS beragama..


It's been an annoying day week.

...but Life gets better nearing the final hour :-)
so all's well that ends well~

oh btw, here's to pain- I'll never like you.



If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
Well, I guess I'll make my own way
It's a circle, a mean cycle
I can't excite you anymore

Where's your gavel? Your jury?
What's my offense this time?
You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me
Well, sentence me to another life

Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
'Cause you know we're not the same
No, we're not the same, oh, we're not the same

We're the friends who stuck together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good
It's good

Well, you treat me just like another stranger
Well, it's nice to meet you, sir
I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend

This is the best thing that could've happened
Any longer and I wouldn't have made it
It's not a war, no, it's not a rapture
I'm just a person but you can't take it

The same tricks that, that once fooled me
They won't get you anywhere
I'm not the same kid from your memory
Well, now I can fend for myself

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

you confusing me

you confusing me. why don't you just tell me what you want from me. or what you want from yourself. therefore, everything will be nice and simple. you don't want to complicate things, but you just make it complicated for yourself. why? because you are not being true to yourself.

me? I'm just the kind of person who enjoys truthful opinion about the world. including what lies beneath the complicated interpersonal interaction. for me, it was really simple. I'd rather talk. silence kills me. although ignorance is a bliss -says those introverts- is sometimes true, it is not right for this context. say something. tell me what you want from me. stop ignoring my presence. you know it kills you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

you! yes you!

If you're an asshole, you're gonna come back as a cockroach or a worm or a fuckin' anal bead, okay? If you're a man and you act heroic, you'll come back as an eagle... You'll come back as a DRAGON. You'll come back as Jude Law, okay? Which would you rather be?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

introducing my new pet, cikungs

Hello! This is cikungs. My new pet. menurut temen gw chris yg katanya pakar ikan, si cikungs ini laki-laki. Hebat yaa dy. Bisa ngebedain jenis kelamin ikan cuma dari ngeliat foto. Kayak cenayang. Hihi. Si chris juga ngerecomenin gw beberapa model cupang yang harganya sampai dolaran. Ihh bener-bener nambah pengetahuan deh. Seneng rasanya bisa ngobrol sama orang yang punya kesenangan yang sama. Fyi, nama cikung gw ambil dari nickname temennya temen gw. Why cikung? Karna nama cikung gampang diucap. Dan merefleksikan banget buat binatang cupang. Sama kayak blacky buat anjing. Hehe
Anyway, banyak orang yang ngeraguin akan lama hidupnya si cikungs ini. Mengingat gw orang yang amat sangat sembrono. Well, let see ;)