
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

God's Business

kalo ada niat baik dan mulia, kenapa harus dilarang?
kalau ada kesepakatan yang bijaksana, kenapa harus dibilang salah?
kalau kata orang Tuhan bekerja dengan cara yang misterius, kenapa banyak yang bicara atas namaNya? Seolah-olah tw bener Dy bakal bilang apa...

kadang-kadang manusia terjebak dalam peraturan benar dan salah
lalu lupa ajaran yang paling dasar...

It's simply love, not lust.
Datangnya dari mana?
Yang gw percaya ya dari Tuhan - lalu kenapa gak boleh?
Kalau ini bisikan setan, yang muncul ya simply just lust...
But it isn't lust, right? It's love - the basis of all teaching I've known

(Inilah kenapa kadang gw males jadi orang beragama dan lebih memilih jadi orang yang spiritual - gw lelah menghakimi dan dihakimi dan lupa berbicara pake hati)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"...but don't YOU go anywhere"

klik picture for large view

Okay, so I might have just turned this into some kind of comic page. Right.
But what makes Calvin & Hobbes the greatest ever is its ability to make you laugh your ass off, and identify with it.

What makes it one of the great treasures of our culture is its ability to invoke emotions that you never thought you'd spend on a comic strip.

This one's positively touching.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh. Well.

We have the propensity to believe. Or belie.

I believe that humans tend to appreciate things better in little quantity. Or when it doesn’t exist at the moment when we want it so badly. Kinda like getting half a scoop of ice cream now at this ungodly hour, perhaps I’d be more than happy.

Alright, so getting half a scoop won’t suffice. I just belied myself.

Then again, I believe in the goodness of Life- of random kindness. And of things. I believe in whatever you choose to believe in. I believe in your decisions and dreams. Yes, I might believe in just about anything- because I’m a damned believer in all sorts of goodness. And it feels so right and natural.

For some reason, I know the fact that by just believing isn’t enough. Eventually there’ll be a moment when your belief is put to test- whether or not what you believe is real or just what it is that you really believe in after all. But all I know is that whatever happened to you in the past is not happening now. You will be safe behind your honest decisions and mood swings, I promise.

…meanwhile, from another dimension- I sense that Love has begun to remove the clothing of Life and granted you its naked perspective. The beauty of the naked difference is gloriously vast. Be inspiring or get inspired. Love looks good on you ;-)

Happy Friday, all of yous.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


why does karma keep biting me in the ass? even when i've well served my term of it. its like yhid dude i saw sitting in a wheel chair in the city. the brand of the wheelchair was 'karma'. what did he do in a former life, push sum1 off a bridge or sumthing? gosh karma. give it break!!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

mungkin gw yang aneh -_____-

Ketika semua orang melarang gw menyumpah, gw kira gw yang waras dan mereka yang aneh. Mungkin gw yang aneh. Ketika semua aneh sudah jadi waras dan yang waras jadi aneh, berarti gw yang jadi aneh.

Aneh kah? ketika gw menjadi yang paling kritis di antara semuanya? dan yang lain memilih untuk terbawa dengan arus konstruksi konstruksi konstruksi.

Semua orang mendadak jadi baik. Sok bermoral. Taik!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I think, therefore I am! I think, therefore I am!

You know, if anything goes wrong with the world, I shouldn’t worry. I may not be fine but I’ll find my ways to be fine. Then feel alright about it. Isn’t it strange for us to say, “I’m lazy. I’m fat. I’m no good,” thereby creating our life experience to be one that is late, tired, and worthless. Leave it to our egos to keep us in that small game and hold us back. If you haven’t started yet, I invite you take on affirmations that brighten your day. Create a bigger life for yourself simple by saying things like, “I am tireless, perfect being. I have access to everything and I am complete.”


Dear Ma & Dad,
I am whole. I am stoked. I love this day. I love my studies. I love my sisters. I love my friends. I love my cookies. I love my cake. I love my state. I love my ability. I love my faith. I love my hair. I love my mole. I love that this is what my life looks like. I love you!


Friday, October 8, 2010

have u heard about junko furuta??

This is a true story about junko furuta...

The crime:
In November of 1988, Boy A (then 18), Boy B (Jo Kamisaku, then 17; Kamisaku was a new family name he took after being released from prison [1]), Boy C (then 16) and Boy D (then 17) from Tokyo abducted and held Furuta, a second year high school (grade 11) student from Saitama Prefecture in Misato, for 44 days. They kept her captive in the house owned by the parents of Boy C.

To forestall a manhunt, Boy A coerced Furuta into calling her own parents and telling them that she had run away from home, but was with "a friend" and was not in danger. He also browbeat her into posing as one of the boys' girlfriends when the parents of the house where she was held were around, but when it became clear that the parents would not call the police, he dropped this pretext. Furuta tried to escape several times, begging the parents more than once to help her, but they did nothing, apparently out of fear that Boy A would hurt them. Boy A was at the time a low-level yakuza leader and had bragged that he could use his connections to kill anyone who interfered.

According to their statements at their trial, the four of them raped her, beat her, introduced foreign objects including an iron rod into her vagina, made her drink her own urine and was fed cockroaches, inserted fireworks into her anus, and set them off, forced Furuta to masturbate, cut her nipple with pliers, dropped dumbbells onto her stomach, and burned her with cigarettes and lighters. (One of the burnings was punishment for attempting to call the police.) At one point her injuries were so severe that according to one of the boys it took more than an hour for her to crawl downstairs to use the bathroom. They also related that "possibly a hundred different people" knew that Furuta had been imprisoned there, but it is not clear if this means they visited the house at different times while she was imprisoned there, or themselves either raped or abused her. When the boys refused to let her leave, she begged them on several occasions to "kill (her) and get it over with".

On January 4, 1989, using one of the boys' loss at mah-jongg as a pretext, the four beat her with an iron barbell, poured lighter fluid on her legs, arms, face and stomach, and set her on fire. She died later that day of shock. The four boys claimed that they were not aware of how badly injured she was, and that they believed she had been malingering.

The killers hid her corpse in an 55-gallon drum filled with cement; the perpetrators disposed the drum in a tract of reclaimed land in Koto, Tokyo.

Arrest and punishment

The boys were arrested and tried as adults; but, because of Japanese handling of crimes committed by juveniles, their identities were sealed by the court. However, a weekly magazine Shukan Bunshun reported their real names, claiming "Human rights aren't needed for brutes."[2] Furuta's real name and details about her personal life were reported exhaustively in the media. Kamisaku was judged as a sub leader, at least according to the official trial.

The four boys pled guilty to a reduced charge of "committing bodily injury that resulted in death", rather than murder. Boy A's parents sold their house for approximately 50 million yen and paid this as compensation to Furuta's family.[citation needed]

For his participation in the crime, Kamisaku served eight years in a juvenile prison before he was released, in August 1999. In July 2004, he was arrested for assaulting an acquaintance, whom he believed to be luring a girlfriend away from him, and allegedly bragged about his earlier infamy. [1] Kamisaku was sentenced to seven years in prison for the beating.

Junko's parents were dismayed by the sentences received by their daughter's killers, and enjoined a civil suit against the parents of the boy in whose home the crimes were committed. When some of the convictions were overturned on the basis of problematic physical evidence (the semen and pubic hair recovered from the body did not match those of the boys who were arrested), the lawyer handling the civil suit decided there was no case to be made and refused to represent them further. (There is speculation that the evidence may have been contaminated—for example, by unidentified persons who raped Furuta.

One of the most disturbing parts of this true story is that her killers are now free. After putting Junko Furuta through all that suffering, they are free men.
"A high-school girl was abducted by four teenaged hooligans while she was on her way to work. They took her to the house of a friend, held her in his bedroom, and for the next forty-five days enacted every imaginable form of abuse on her (and some you wouldn’t want to imagine). They gang-raped her—both with their own bodies and with an assortment of foreign objects—beat her, kicked her, doused her extremities with lighter fluid and set her on fire, and probably did many other things to her that went undocumented by either her tormentors or the police. They mocked her pain. They held her down and dropped barbells on her stomach. This last bit of torture was more than she could withstand, and after going into convulsions she apparently either strangled on her own vomit or simply died from her beatings. When the boys were questioned later about why they didn’t do anything during her seizure, they replied, “We assumed she was faking it.”
"She tried to escape, more than once. The first time, she was caught in the process of making a phone call. The second time, she ran into the parents of the boy who lived there; apparently they had known all along what was gong on. She begged them to help her, but they refused; his friend had criminal connections, and they didn’t want to get into trouble, too. After her death, they taped her arms and legs together, threw her into a 55-gallon drum, filled it with cement, and dumped it in an empty lot. The body wasn’t recovered until almost a year later. The ringleader of the whole incident served seven years in prison and is now a free man."

-What they did to her and the suffering-

These horrifying things done to Junko Furuta had been collected through the Japanese court trial of the case, and blogs from 1989. They show the pain that Junko Furuta had to endure before she was finally dead. All this had happened to her while she was still alive. They are disturbing, but the truth.

All of this had happened.
DAY 1: November 22, 1988: Kidnapped
Kept captive in house, and posed as one of boy's girlfriend
Raped (over 400 times in total)
Forced to call her parents and tell them she had run away
Starved and malnutritioned
Fed cockroaches to eat and urine to drink
Forced to masturbate
Forced to strip in front of others
Burned with cigarette lighters
Foreign objects inserted into her vagina/anus

DAY 11: December 1, 1988: Severely beat up countless times
Face held against concrete ground and jumped on
Hands tied to ceiling and body used as a punching bag
Nose filled with so much blood that she can only breath through her mouth
Dumbbells dropped onto her stomach
Vomited when tried to drink water (her stomach couldn't accept it)
Tried to escape and punished by cigarette burning on arms
Flammable liquid poured on her feet and legs, then lit on fire
Bottle inserted into her anus, causing injury

DAY 20: December10, 1989: Unable to walk properly due to severe leg burns
Beat with bamboo sticks
Fireworks inserted into anus and lit
Hands smashed by weights and fingernails kracked
Beaten with golf club
Cigarettes inserted into vagina
Beaten with iron rods repeatedly
Winter; forced outside to sleep in balcony
Skewers of grilled chicken inserted into her vagina and anus, causing bleeding

DAY 30: Hot wax dripped onto face
Eyelids burned by cigarette lighter
Stabbed with sewing needles in chest area
Left nipple cut and destroyed with pliers
Hot light bulb inserted into her vagina
Heavy bleeding from vagina due to scissors insertion
Unable to urinate properly
Injuries were so severe that it took over an hour for her to crawl downstairs and use the bathroom
Eardrums severely damaged
Extreme reduced brain size

DAY 40: Begged her torturers to "kill her and get it over with"

January 1, 1989: Junko greets the New Years Day alone
Body mutilated
Unable to move from the ground

DAY 44: January 4, 1989: The four boys beat her mutilated body with an iron barbell, using a loss at the game of Mah-jongg as a pretext. She is profusely bleeding from her mouth and nose. They put a candle's flame to her face and eyes.

Then, lighter fluid was poured onto her legs, arms, face and stomach, and then lit on fire. This final torture lasted for a time of two hours.

Junko Furuta died later that day, in pain and alone. Nothing could compare 44 days of suffering she had to go through.

When her mother heard the news and details of what had happened to her daughter, she fainted. She had to undergo a psychiatric outpatient treatment . Imagine her endless pain.

This story from 1989 is true. Please spread her story around. Everyone should know about the existence of Junko Furuta's unimaginable and incomprehensible suffering, and this is why this group has been made.

Rest In Eternal Peace,
Junko Furuta

what a sad n tragic story huh?

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Waktu SMA, gw pernah nyumpahin orang biar mati. eh, beberapa bulan kemudian, orang itu mati beneran.

Pernah juga gw dijahatin dan dimanfaatin orang sampe gw merasa diinjek-injek. Lalu gw berniat balas dendam biar orang itu lebih menderita dari pada gw. Eh balas dendam itu beneran kejadian, dan orang itu ancur banget hidupnya setelah gw balas dendam.

Kita semua pasti pernah benci sama orang. Kita semua pernah mengutuk orang. tapi kalo kutukan itu bener2 kejadian, belum tentu juga kita lega dan senang.

Kurang lebih 3 tahun lalu, sekitar bulan Mei juga, gw berhasil menyusun sebuah strategi untuk menjatuhkan orang yang pernah nginjek-nginjek gw. rasanya bener-bener kaya lagi di medan perang. Gw hanya mw liat orang itu menderita, lebih menderita dari pada gw. Kalo perlu sampe makan tai tu orang. Itu target gw.

Seru lho rasanya. Saat itu gw jadi perempuan manipulatif dan penuh kepalsuan. Gw main detektif-detektifan. Gw jadi mata-mata. Gw adalah criminal mastermind. Gw, seorang perempuan, cukup dengan kata-kata dan akting ternyata bisa bikin sesuatu yang berbahaya. Bisa bikin musuh gw kehilangan segala-galanya yang berharga buat dy.

Gw sering banget tikam orang dari belakang biar bisa menjatuhkan musuh gw itu. Tentunya, untuk menjatuhkan orang itu gw harus melibatkan orang-orang lain yang gak berdosa. Gw pikir itu war casualities, namanya juga perang, pasti ada korban sipil. Saat itu gw merasa sangat bangga dan pinter, mungkin sebenernya buat menutupi sakit hati gw atas harga diri yang diinjek-injek. Dulu gw bisa ngomong dalem hati: this is what you get when you're messing with me. I'm not a stupid girl.

Gw berhasil. Gw berhasil lihat orang itu minta ampun di kaki gue. Gw berhasil lihat semua yang berharga buat musuh gw itu menghilang satu persatu, sampe akhirnya dy bener-bener gak punya apa-apa lagi. Sampe dia *figuratively speaking* makan tai.

Tapi anehnya, gw masih ngerasa nggak lega.
Apa balas dendam gw kurang heboh? Apa dy kurang menderita? Ternyata nggak juga.

Saat itu gw berkaca, dan gw bahkan nggak mengenal diri gw sendiri lagi. Gw udah nipu orang, nikam orang dari belakang, dan memanipulasi keadaan agar menguntungkan gw dan merugikan musuh-musuh gw. Gw udah menjelma jadi orang jahat, yang nggak ada bedanya dengan musuh gw itu. Ternyata melihat orang itu terinjak-injak juga nggak bikin gw puas dan lega. Balas dendam nggak ngasih gw apa-apa kecuali perasaan aneh yang bikin gw susah tidur selama beberapa tahun.

Untung waktu nggak pernah berhenti di satu titik. Untung waktu jalan terus. Gw berhasil ngebuang perasaan benci gw itu jauh-jauh. Musuh gw itu pelan-pelan berhasil mendapatkan kehidupannya kembali. Begitupun juga gw. Gw belajar memaafkan dan berasa lega tanpa harus melihat dia menderita. And now I sleep like a baby.

Sejak saat itu gw belajar. Perang tuh nggak pernah ada untungnya. Apapun bentuk perangnya. Selalu ada orang yang disakitin. Kalo pun kita menang perang belum tentu juga kita sehat dan lega. Terlalu banyak war casualities. Terlalu banyak luka dan dosa di tangan gw. Luka yang sebenernya gara-gara gw sendiri juga.

Sekarang gw belajar tulus. Terutama memaafkan dengan tulus. Kalo perlu, tanpa harus menunggu kata-kata maaf dan perasaan menyesal dari orang yang bersangkutan.

Diinjek-injek orang emang nggak enak dan gw merasa kehilangan banyak hal saat dirugikan orang lain. Tapi ternyata cara mengembalikan harga diri gw dan kehilangan gw bukan dengan melakukan hal yang sama untuk menjatuhkan orang lain dan melihat orang lain menderita. Justru, gw bisa membangun kembali harga diri gw dan rasa kehilangan gw dengan memaafkan dengan ikhlas.

Sampai saat ini pun, bahkan gw kapok menyujmpahin orang biar mati (kecuali para pengendara motor tanpa helm yang ngebut zig-zag aur-auran di jalanan dengan bunyi knalpot lebay. umur lo gak akan panjang.)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sh*t happens for a reason. Kan?

Today, I have learned that it is not okay to just nod and agree with others.
I learned that everything is going the other way around, and the saying 'kebaikan dibalas dengan kebaikan' no longer exists. (Well, there's an exception if the balasan baik is from Allah).
I also learned that there's a kind of virus, a very dangerous one, which has polluted people's way of treating another human for the sake of their personal benefit. And I wonder what kind of people will we have in the society in the years to come.
Nowadays, if a person is being too nice to others, she'll be called stupid, rather than being acknowledged for whatever good things she's done for others. orang mengambil kesempatan dalam kesempitan! Grrr

The moral of the story is: Stop being too good to others. Being good is enough. Too good is too much! Hehe. The nicer way to say it is - Be moderate in whatever you do.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

hello baby!!! :)

dewi's baby boy was born on last 25th june. what a great news rite?! congratulation for Mr.&Mrs. Malik!! :)

WELCOME TO THE WORLD xyzco putra malik!

hehe. he's very similar to his father :)

hihi. yco with his mohawk hair! cute :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy 22nd Rizky L Nugroho!!!

Happy Birthdaay ayaaang!! 22 kisses for you!!!! mmmuuuaaaaahhh. . . ;)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

a song for someone

You're a part time lover and a full time friend
The monkey on you're back is the latest trend
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

I kiss you on the brain in the shadow of a train
I kiss you all starry eyed, my body's swinging from side to side
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

We both have shiny happy fits of rage
You want more fans, I want more stage
I don't see what anyone can see, in anyone else
But you

belong to rizky lestari nugroho :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Disney's Desperate Housewives

Hehehe. This cracked me up early in the morning!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

My lifetime thesis statement...

is that every utopian dream is too good to be true and thus will never be a reality.
it will _more likely_ never happen..

however, a utopian dream will keep the hope alive forever...


because when it's too good to be true_ and never be perfectly fulfilled_
one will keep hoping and thus keep the utopian ideologies alive forever

feminism and socialism are two of these utopian-dream ideologies..

this would be *correction* THIS is my lifetime research,
and I have just started...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Full bf's family day

with my girl friend ;p

see my hair! seems like a witch's hair!! hihihi

boy friend's huge family portrait :)

wait 4 update picture.... :)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

of aloneness and togetherness

I always have this constant voice rehearsing in my head whenever something happens. Kinda like telling me to take a mini break or just take a deep breath. Anything that I thought would help me sort things out. Just to clear my head for a while and see things from a different angle. I needed that. Usually in the past, I'd just have a good shower and the worries just seemed to drain away. So it kinda helped.

But now, im not sure if anything works for anything anymore. Neither does it help being on my own nor digress. Not all situations can be dealt alone it seems. I know this is true. Sometimes when you see a friend going through some changes, you do not leave him or her alone. Even if he/she thinks its something “I have to go through myself” thing, and just brings forth that kind of attitude (which can be pain in the neck sometimes I know), but you do not leave him/her alone. Deal with your friend. Be understanding. Show them that u're there even if they think they dont need you. Because you know that deep down they do. Trust me, I know this for a fact :)

Then again, that does not mean you cannot have some time of your own. im sure we all need it at some point. But to face your fears alone aint an easy thing. It can be overwhelming. So go confide in Your Lord. Seek comfort and solitude. Enlighten your faith. Dont give in to fears. Embrace them. Share your musing with a friend. Going through me-time does not mean excluding everyone in your life and giving up everything else. It just means opening up a little part of you, showing your true self to those who really care about you. Eventually, u'll figure out what really matters to you. And I know God is enough for me :)

Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.

Good to be back!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

im smiling,, im laughing,, but its all pretending
i made funny joke,, i made quality conversation,, but im still hurting
i know exactly where i am, so why do i feel so lost?

passion life

Di awal-awal masa kuliah, gw pernah diramal.
Peramalnya masih muda, seumuran gw pada saat itu mungkin, dan tampak seperti cewe biasa pada umumnya. Namun entah kenapa, dari sekian seringnya gw di ramal, bahkan oleh yang tampangnya seperti Mama Loren pun, kata-kata cewe inilah yang paling nyangkut di kepala gw.

Yang pertama dia bilang sama gw adalah, bahwa gw susah banget diramal, karena jiwa gw kosong.
Bused. Jiwa gw kosong? Serem amat.
Hati gw juga kosong, katanya. Karena gw lagi jauh sama Tuhan, dan lagi nggak punya tujuan hidup. Gw lagi depresi.
Bener juga sih, waktu itu gw lagi patah hati, dan kuliah di aktuaria membuka pengetahuan gw atas kenyataan-kenyataan hidup yang pahit. Padahal saat itu gw belom siap untuk mengetahui kenyataan-kenyataan itu. Gw masih seru bermain-main dalam lakon komedi dan dongeng-dongeng yang biasanya berakhir dengan happy ending, bukan drama tragedi. Rasanya seperti di film The Matrix, pilih pil merah atau biru? Hehehe...

Satu hal lagi yang gw inget banget dari apa yang dia bilang adalah, bahwa ada sedikit masalah dalam karir gw.
Dia bilang, gw punya banyak bakat. Gw bisa melakukan apa aja dengan baik, dan kebetulan, jalannya selalu ada. Sayangnya, gw malas. Jadi apapun yang gw lakukan jadinya setengah-setengah. Nggak total. Glek.

Si peramal cuma ngasih satu saran. Temuin satu passion lo dan lakukan dengan total, lalu dekatkan diri lo sama Tuhan. Keadaan lo mengkhawatirkan, dia bilang.

Sekarang, setelah gw pikir-pikir, dia bener juga yah.
Apapun yang gw lakukan saat ini, gw merasa nggak gw lakukan dengan maksimal. Padahal, gw tau jalannya selalu ada buat gw, seandainya aja gw bener-bener maksimal atas satu hal.

Tapi apa!! apa passion gw? apa bakat gw??!! -_______-"

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Drs. A, ma, flmi

hey Mr A!!! Plisss pliiisss pliiisss, i just need ur TIME for a MOMENT, only for reading my final assignment!! or only to see it!!! the important is u acc it!!! oohh,, come on. 13rd is the day!!!! and i have finished it since almost 2 month ago. and u dont have any attention to it!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr. *double middle finger


i love saturday a lot!!! coz on saturday i dont have to wake early, i dont need to see my rizky busy with his rutinity in the morning. i can snuggle on bed, having joy with him, alooooooooooooooong daaaaaay. yeeaaah. i love saturday morning!! really!! singing lavigne's song very very very loud (haha. sooo 2000 and late!!!) and get mossing on bed with him such an 'alay'. hahahah. oooh, i love this part anyway. :D

Friday, June 4, 2010

Promoting world cup 2010 *sizzling*

Promotion indeed!! Soccer stars Sulley Muntari, Landon Donovan, Kaka, Samuel Eto'o, and Pato posed in Vanity Fair to promote the upcoming World Cup 2010 in South Africa. If they're gonna be playing in only their drawers, i'd totally watch the games :)

babies will born in near time

i was having a short conversation on messenger with my dearest dewi listiyani. she said her baby will born on last june!! hihi cant hardly wait to see. anyway, besides dewi, vina will having a baby on this last june too!! wow,, 2 babies on last june!! yeeaaay!! im gonna be an auntie!!! :D

Sunday, May 30, 2010

scootie boy getting sick :'(

scootienya ayaaang
jelek kann??

cepet sembuh yaa scootie sayaaang.
::kiss ::kiss

p.s : this pict taking by mas nono geeenduuuuuutt. :dentadiaryphotoworks: bagus yaaaahh!!!

perfect SUN on lazy DAY

yeeaaah, its sunday afternoon. and sun is going so hot!! yeeaaah, today is soooo HOT beibeeeh. snuggling on the floor, watching glee with my bf and his fam is the best choice for this time. who knows glee will be starts too!! have a lazy day guys!! hope ur glee starts today!! :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Sunday wellspent brings a week of content.

I love Sundays.
I especially like them when I wake up early.
And then in bed again after an hour-
... that’s because it’s anything-can-happen-Sunday. :)

Last night, I stayed up as late as one can possibly make a Saturday. As I hit the sheets I declared strength for a successful awakening. One shot of the alarm at 6:27am and I was up and at 'em again. This gave me time to wake my friends up, to catch what felt like a sunrise, and to recreate the world as new again.

So why Sundays?

Well, Sundays are good to rejuvenate your thoughts, to take the time to acknowledge yourself. It’s fun to get in touch with equal parts Mind, Body and Soul. By waking up one hour earlier you can date yourself even before your day begins. For example, you could spend 20 minutes calming the mind in prayers, 20 minutes stretching or running or twisting or jumping, and 20 minutes reading or writing – funneling your thoughts into soulful action. Then reward yourself by doing something you think you deserve. Like making breakfast for everyone. Or catching up with old friends. Or just sleep for the next one hour. Because it’s anything-can-happen-Sunday :)

Being mindful of your own thoughts and actions, whether your being generous or gossipy, will dictate your state of grace, your ability to swiftly experience joy and abundance in your life or not.

Now, Listen Well. Live Surprised. And Stay Fresh.



Tuesday, March 30, 2010

curhatan tentang TA

Waktu menunjukkan pukul 5:48 subuh... dan saya masih tetap terjagaaa...

Sudah beberapa hari terakhir gw manjadi kalong, bangunnya malem terus. Kalo nggak ada aktivitas di sepanjang pagi ke sore, gw tidur lelap sampe siang, bangun langsung gak mandi, leha-leha dulu, makan, buang air, leha-leha lagi atau tidur siang lagi. Lalu ketika menjelang malam, makan, bersenda gurau bersama orang tua demi menjalankan kewajiban menjadi anak baik di keluarga, lalu bila memungkinkan online buat chatting ketawa-ketiwi atau browsing-browsing yang kurang penting, smp malah iseng ngeblog. Telepon pacar untuk curhat kemudian kembali mengerjakan TA lagi sampai pagi menelanjangi malam!

Okay... karena udah terlalu lama under preassure, saya akan membuat pernyataan:


demikianlah pernyataan saya teman-teman. mari bagi yang juga sedang melakukan apapun dalam keadaan under preassure. mari kita belajar mencintai agar preassure itu hillaaaang! mari mari marii!! seemaangaaatt!!!!